There’s an age-old outlook, put blatantly by Syndrome of The Incredibles in his Moriarty Fear, that if everyone is special, then *no one* will be. To this longstanding catch-22, I offer the following rebuttal: What if everyone is special in a way that is both utterly unique and utterly essential?
What if, like colors, genders or flavors, Personality Types create a beautiful cornucopia of complexity and balance, where each member contributes to the whole, an equal and necessary component, without which there would be a gaping hole? And what if becoming special is simply a matter of owning who you are and choosing to pursue the very thing *you* love most?
These are Type Specializations.
This topic is one of my very favorite things about personality typing because it’s so wrapped up in what every type *is* and not only what every type specializes in, but what *drives* every type. It’s easy to focus on cursory traits that may or may not come with a certain type – yes, ISTJs are usually fond of rules and yes, ENTPs often like taking risks; yes, INFPs spend a lot of time exploring inside their own heads and yes, ESFJs can often be found being great hosts and hostesses – but why? What is that common thread that laces itself through a personality type? What means the world to *your* personality?
Type Specializations are made up of two components, Scope and Objective.
Scope is a type’s field of view, to which they unconsciously and primarily apply all information. Where does your mind go when you don’t have to be thinking about something else? What do you love most and therefore apply all other information back to?
As I mentioned in What Do All These Letters Mean Anyway (hereafter referred to as WDATLMA… er… that’s hugely long… let’s call it LMA), Scope is determined by a person’s first and last letters.
Remember the Four Types of Information I talked about in LMA? (I’m tempted to whine “I toooold you this was relevant!” but I’ll contain myself.) Well, as it says in our handy-dandy 4Toi (Four Types of Information) graph below, each first and last letter combo has one of the Four Types of Information as its focus. This lines up with their First Cognition Step. This is all review from LMA and Cognition in Stick Figures, but I want to make sure you’ve got it. Got it? Got it.
Each type’s First Cognition Step is the Type of Information that is most important to them and inextricably linked to its Type Specialty Scope. The Four Scopes, like the Four Types of Information, is another two-variable set (*aka a double-dichotomy). Where the 4Toi (above) vary on Information vs. Action and Specific vs. Universal, the Type Specialization Scopes (below) center around a new pair of variables, namely Theoretical vs. Particular and Collective vs. Individual.

Theoretical vs. Particular (I vs. E)
As Optimism, Pessimism and What We Do About It explained (though perhaps not my best explanation ever), Introverts focus on people in theory, whereas Extraverts focus on particular people.
Since Introverts spend the most time working with information inside their heads, where people are fairly theoretical, they think first about how information applies to people in general — i.e. “someone like this.”
Extraverts spend the most time getting information from the people right in front of them, so they think first about how a particular individual would interact with the information they have — i.e “Larry.”
For example, if I were to discuss ninjas vs. samurai with My INFJ, he would apply our discussion first to theoretical people inside his head, and would say things like, “Well, ninjas are cool because of the whole silent but deadly thing, but I can appreciate how samurai make honor and chivalry look bad-a.”
My ENFJ mom, on the other hand, would apply our discussion first to particular people she’s interacted with, and would say something like, “I knew a samurai once and he was one of the nicest guys. You know, just a great family man and he told really funny jokes about katanas. There was a ninja who worked in my office and he was… nice enough. He didn’t kill anyone *I* knew, so I can’t really complain. I can’t say I’d invite him over for dinner, but I guess if he came I wouldn’t necessarily know…”
Though the other I/E types might differ in specifics from those examples of INFJ and ENFJ, it would still hold true that the Introverts would apply things to people Theoretically first, and the Extraverts would apply things first to Particular people they’ve interacted with. That is, of course, not to say that Introverts can’t apply things to Particular people or that Extraverts can’t apply things to people Theoretically; like all things in personality typing, it’s about which one you focus on and prioritize.
Collective vs. Individual (J vs. P)
The second variable that Scope is based on is Collective vs. Individual.
Judgers, with their cognitive emphasis on decisions, plans and worldview, are focused on the Direction of Action (remember the Map?). Their focus on planning and universal principles in their decision making means that they have to look at the collective actions of people to understand ahead of time how people and the world will act in order to make plans ahead of time. As they watch the decisions of the collective, they care more and more about the destination of that collective.
Perceivers, with their cognitive emphasis on possibilities, observation and information gathering, are focused on the Exploration of Action (action like a Toolbox). Their focus on exploring all the possible options makes it necessary to have trusted sources of information, and therefore need to understand the motivations of individuals. As they come to understand the motivations of individuals, they grow to care more about exploring those individuals and fulfilling their needs.
These four combinations of two variables create the four Scopes.
The Four Scopes

IJs, who focus on Principles and the root causes behind the workings of the universe, care most about the direction of the World as a whole, cultures, etc. They are the most zoomed out of all the types, focused on the big picture of where the world is going and why.

EJs, who focus on Action and the Consequences and results of choices, care most about the direction of their particular Group, those united with them in common purpose and directive. They are the second most zoomed out of the types, in terms of size of scope, focusing on the collective outcome of many specific individuals, though their emphasis on Specific Action tends to make them more zoomed in.

EPs, who focus on Observation and the Motivations behind character, care most about the exploration of particular Individuals, starting with the exploration of themselves. They are the second most zoomed in of the types, in terms of size of scope, focusing on single specific individuals, though their emphasis on Universal Action tends to make them more zoomed out.

IPs, who focus on Data and Details and the conclusions they lead to, care most about the exploration of Situations and what theoretical individuals could choose in a given scenario based on those details. They are the most zoomed in of all the types, focused on delving deep into specific, specialized information.
As different as these four Scopes are, like the sixteen types within them, they are equal, so long as each recognizes the need and value of the other three. We cannot fully understand the information in which we specialize unless we see it in context of everyone else’s specialization.
Objective is what a type tries to accomplish with and for their Scope. It’s also what side or angle of that vast Scope they prioritize. Where do you sink your precious effort? What excites you about your Scope, more than anything?Objective is based on a person’s two middle letters. It’s actually much easier to explain than Scope, with variables drawn pretty directly from the definitions of the letters they demonstrate.
Puzzle Pieces vs. Word-Nets (S vs. N)
I’ve explained in this post, as well as in LMA that Sensors think in Puzzle Pieces; they examine one piece of information at a time, and each piece of information has its own unique spot in the whole, where it snaps into place. Meanwhile, I explained in those same posts that iNtuitives think in Word-Nets or Webs; each piece of information connects to every other through patterns and has to be viewed in context of all the other pieces of information.
The same principles apply to how each type focuses on Objective.
Sensors focus on the intrinsic value that their Scope already has to offer. Their Objective centers on getting the most out of what their Scope already is, and prefer not to change their Scope. But a truly healthy Sensor will realize that in order to appreciate and utilize everything they love about their Scope, the bad parts of it may have to be changed.
iNtuitives focus on how the value of their Scope is increased by connecting it with the value of other information. Their Objective centers on getting the most out of what their Scope can be, often by seeing how to change it. But a truly healthy iNtuitive will realize that in order to get the most out of their Scope, they need to appreciate what it already is, and not change the good parts.
Use vs. Meaning (T vs. F)
Going briefly into this pair since the definitions are the same as described in LMA.
Thinkers focus first on the Use of information and the Objective of their Scope is no exception. Thinkers prioritize and find the most joy getting the most Use out of their Scope.
Feelers focus first on the Meaning of information, including the Objective of their Scope. Feelers prioritize and find the most joy understanding fully the Meaning of their Scope.
It should go without saying at this point (but if it did, would I be mentioning it?) that both the use and meaning of all the Scopes is essential. The End.
Just like the four Scopes, when we combine these two variables, we get the four Objectives.
The Four Objectives
STs focus on the Use of the Puzzle Piece they care about most, their Scope. Their aim is to get the most Use out of their Scope as it already is, and to give their Scope a protected environment where it can flourish in the use it already has. Their goal is to find the inherent Value and intrinsic worth their Scope has.
Since they focus on the Use of experiences, they tend to focus on the past of their Scope; that’s where they gather the most information, after all, as you can really only learn use from *past* experiences. They are therefore very protective of the past of their Scope, desiring it to be as useful as possible.
They tend to think in terms of right and wrong.

NTs focus on how the Use of their Scope connects to the Use of everything else. Their aim is to find ways to maximize the Use of their beloved Scope, and raise it to its full Potential, even if that requires their Scope to change. They love to find new possible uses for their Scope.
Since they focus on the Use of concepts, they tend to focus on the future of their Scope and examining conceptually how to “new and improve” their Scope, adding to its usefulness by going forward into possibilities. They use their iNtuition to see the context of how their Scope connects to everything else to see what it’s still missing and needs to be added.
They tend to think in terms of truth and error.

SFs focus on the Meaning of the Puzzle Piece they care about most, their Scope. Their aim is to understand and enjoy the Meaning of their Scope as it already is, and to protect the Meaning in their Scope so that they and others may have the chance to Experience meaning as it is, before it’s lost.
Since they focus on the Meaning of experiences, they tend to focus on the present of their Scope. The time to grasp the full Meaning of an experience is *while* experiencing it and SFs try to get as much out of that current experience as possible. Though they focus on the current moment of their Scope, healthy SFs make experiences into something so much more meaningful than just one freeze frame of time.
They tend to think in terms of pleasure and pain.
NFs focus on how the Meaning of their Scope connects to the Meaning of everything else. Their aim is to understand the full significance and Meaning of their Scope, and help it achieve even more Meaning, even if that means their Scope needs to change.
Since they focus on the Meaning of concepts, they tend to focus on their Scope within time as a whole. Context is the big word for NF, looking at how their Scope fits into the Big Picture of everything and seeing the significance of their Scope within that context.
They tend to think in terms of justice and mercy.
When we combine the four Scopes with their four options of Objectives, we can see the sixteen Type Specializations. And it is only with all sixteen combined that the entire spectrum of zoomed in and zoomed out, the collective and the individual, use and meaning, as things are and as they can be, are all fully realized and valued as they should be.
Each type’s *entire* cognitive process revolves around their unique combination of these variables. It prompts every thought, motivates every action, counsels every judgment and inspires every worldview; it is the end goal to which each type aspires.
The Sixteen Type Specializations
This graph shows not only the sixteen unique Type Specializations, and most the info we’ve covered up to this point but, like all my graphs, it’s really two graphs for the price of one! The first graph is arranged by Scope, according to the 4Toi (Four Types of Information), *but* the position of the each type inside its handy little box in the first graph, correlates with which big box it goes in in the second graph! This way, each box is a microcosm of the whole graph! The second graph is arranged by Objective, but the *tubular* part is that, even though Objective is by middle letters, it’s *also*arranged by the 4Toi, because the four function combos correlate with the 4Toi too!!! Yay!!!
That means the four corners are more specialized at those respective types of information, but in a way, Type Specializations mean that we’re all the corner of some graph somewhere, metaphorically speaking, though I’m sure I’ll share more of my graphs.
I know I’m ridiculously excited about this (thus the extraneous use of exclamation points), but they’re useful, pretty and they tell us stuff! Graphs about people are the best kinds of graph, imho (when they’re accurate like this one :D).
And now, the moment you’ve all been waiting for: The Type Specializations themselves! /drumroll

The Sentinel
World Value Specialization
Protective Use of the Theoretical Collective
Focused on the Value of the World as it is and has been, the ISTJ Sentinel stands as the watchman at the gate of their World, ever vigilant against threats to the Principles they hold dear. Behind an often stoic exterior, the ISTJ Sentinel is passionate about protecting their world and culture, ever aware of the things that should not be forgotten, but which are ever in danger of being lost. With their last cognition step being character observation, they fear that the people they don’t understand will rip down the world they love. But, if they don’t acknowledge the parts of their world that need to change, they’ll end up upholding and protecting a status-quo that goes against their own, deeply held principles and hurting the very worth of the world they vowed to protect.

The Dragon
World Potential Specialization
Possible Use of the Theoretical Collective
With both a profound love of conceptual Principles and a fierce understanding of the Use of Action, the INTJ Dragon is fully prepared to improve the World according to its full Potential. With majestic precision and principled poise, they have a vision of what the world on the whole could be and the plans to get it there, though helping the World reach the extent of what they can envision usually requires the world and people to change for the better. But, while in the pursuit of overcoming the maladies of the World, the INTJ Dragon needs to be careful not to raze the world as it is, people included, if the particular collective in front of them isn’t living up to the theoretical collective they can imagine. No burninating the peasants.

The Knight
World Experience Specialization
Protective Meaning of the Theoretical Collective
The ISFJ Knight is the chivalrous protector of Meaning in the World as it stands, dedicated to the Principles that keep the World Experience safe. Dependability their mantra, the ISFJ Knight is determined to uphold what it means to them to be a pillar of their collective, which to them is bigger than any of the individuals within it. The Knight enjoys the World as it is and finds great joy in serving and nurturing that world in a rugged, on the ground sort of way. As an IFJ though, they struggle with overly positive character judgments and therefore need to turn to the Principles they advocate to be sure the World they love and the people safeguarding it are still living up to everything they were meant to stand for.

The Paladin
World Meaning Specialization
Possible Meaning of the Theoretical Collective
The INFJ Paladin is all about context and the application of Meaning. With a fantastic understanding of universal principles and how they weave their way through the World at large, they are excellent at making principles *useful*, turning them into action and applying them to everyday situations, cutting right to the core of *why* things work. They take the meaning throughout the world and use it to make real life decisions, as well as move the world closer to the meaningful ideal that those principles help them see. Like the other IJs, they struggle with understanding the intentions of individuals and need to remember not to equate someone breaking or upholding a principle as a measure of that person’s character. Also, their fear of standing out from the crowd and desire to be liked as who they really are, can make them doubt their own better judgment and keep them from recognizing the flaws in others.

The Cannon
Group Value Specialization
Protective Use of a Particular Collective
The ESTJ Cannon is the “Action Corner” of the graph, specializing in doing and doing well, protecting their Group of people with similar end goals, so that the rest of the group can do the same. They’re excellent at understanding how to use actions and consequences to the pragmatic use of their Group’s intrinsic Value. They focus on using the Group they already have in front of them, getting the most utility out of the people they have at their fingertips, and their aim is to protect and free up the members of their Group so that they can fulfill their own roles and help the Group shine and work like clockwork. But while we love the “point and shoot” nature of our ETJs, the need for pointing *before* shooting cannot be overemphasized, and the Cannon needs to be sure not to leap into action before they’re sure their understanding of the intricacies of a situation (EJs’ last) is a complete picture. Also, being the action-specialist, the Cannon needs to be careful not to judge others’ worth on their ability to act.

The Crusader
Group Potential Specialization
Possible Use of a Particular Collective
Focused on the Potential of their Group as it can be, the ENTJ Crusader is a passionate recruiter to their causes, able to see the future capacity of their like-minded team and make it happen. They have a powerful ability to rally others to action and show them why causes and purposes matter so much, because they understand just what a Group can do to change the world for the better, given the chance. One of the main ways the ENTJ Crusader seeks the future success of their own team, is to rush into battle against opposing teams, ready to defend their team’s ideals at a moment’s notice, unafraid or even spoiling for a fight. But the Crusader needs to watch out for oversimplifications about the finer details of situations. With their last step being data and details, ENTJs tend to build up strawmen arguments without considering the complexity of a situation and end up hurting or estranging people who may have been on their side if given a chance. Passion is good and it’s one of ENTJ’s greatest assets, but without complexity it can end up being one of their greatest liabilities.

The Cavalry
Group Experience Specialization
Protective Meaning of a Particular Collective
The social leader, the ESFJ Cavalry loves to Experience the Group and improve the Group’s Experience. They love to charge at the front of their party on a shining white steed as an example of what to do and how to act, encouraging those who follow in their wake. Loving a oneness with the Group as it currently stands, they excel at understanding and leading the social consciousness and people love following their fun, charming lead. But with their relationship with the Group being so important to them, the Cavalry needs to remember to be real and help steer social expectations in a meaningful direction, rather than getting pulled along with them. If the ESFJ lets their desire to be popular or fit in with the Group exceed their love of the Group and the members in it, they can end up hurting the very people they intended to enjoy in the first place.
The Veteran
Group Meaning Specialization
Possible Meaning of a Particular Collective
With a focus on the Meaning of action and how their Group fits into the context of all of time, the ENFJ Veteran has a timeless quality that both looks to the past and the overarching Meaning of what people have done and what events have transpired, but lives and acts in the moment. They live for their connections with their Group, which for them is anyone connected with them in common Meaning or understanding, and the victories and defeats of their friends are indistinguishable from their own joys and travails. But even as their empathy is their greatest strength, it can also put them in danger of Faramir Dilemma, as choosing between Group members can be like ripping themselves in two. If they ignore what details and situations say about their friends, they can end up pulling down the Meaning of the whole Group in order to protect the Meaning of one.
The Spartan
Individual Value Specialization
Protective Use of Particular Individuals, starting with themselves
The ESTP Spartan is the champion of Individualism, loving to explore the Value of Individuals as they already are and have been, starting with the ESTP themselves. The Spartan’s goal is to see just how much they can do with what they already have in their self-hood arsenal, just how spectacularly cool they can be without losing who they are at all. They love to use the whole world as a sounding board to find out just what they are and enjoy that self, and love to enjoy others and teach them to do the same. There is no problem at all with the ESTP Spartan enjoying themselves, but they need to be sure that their healthy stubbornness about maintaining the person they are doesn’t turn into stubbornness about their actions which, as EPs, they’re likely to suck at. It is completely possible to keep the core of the person you are while being willing to change the bits of yourself that you didn’t like in the first place.
The Swashbuckler
Individual Potential Specialization
Possible Use of Particular Individuals, starting with themselves
Ever unpredictable, the ENTP Swashbuckler does what works; they excel at applying and adapting the tools in their observed arsenal to whatever new and unusual situation they might come up against, disregarding the rules and following their gut. Focusing on the Potential of Individuals, starting with themselves, the Swashbuckler is all about exploring and pushing the limits of what they as a person can do and be, and encouraging others to do the same. With their love of observing people and their motivations, the Swashbuckler is excellent at seeing, understanding, and changing their own character to become the larger-than-life person they *want* to be. But the Swashbuckler, with their last cognition step being action, needs to be careful not to be flippant with the damage mistaken actions can cause. An ENTP who no longer *cares* about the effect of their mistakes on others is no longer well-intentioned, which leaves them a hollow shell of the person they wanted to be in the first place.

The Morale Officer
Individual Experience Specialization
Protective Meaning of Particular Individuals, starting with themselves
The ESFP Morale Officer puts themselves in charge of the Individual Experience, making sure that each person, including themselves, gets to enjoy and be enjoyed to the fullest extent of who they are. Focused on loving and enjoying people as they already are, the Morale Officer makes people feel like they matter, and knows how people feel *right now* is important. ESFP’s biggest fear is that they’ll never have a lasting impact on anyone, and so they may feel more desperate to please individuals in the moment, often at the expense of standing up to them. But while the ESFP may be trying their best to choose action to make others happy, they need to realize that sometimes you need to make someone unhappy in the short run in order to make them *happier* in the long run.

The Standard-Bearer
Individual Meaning Specialization
Possible Meaning of Particular Individuals, starting with themselves
The ENFP Standard-Bearer specializes in understanding the context of Individuals and what they *Mean,* starting with themselves. They see the timeless intrinsic significance of what Individual people are and can be, and love to explore that people-Meaning and share it with others. They also shine at helping Individuals rally around the Meaning that they personally could accomplish in the world. But with their primary focus starting with the Meaning of themselves, the Standard-Bearer needs to be cautious not to defend their own Meaning (especially actions, which as EPs they’re likely to be self-conscious of), to the point that they end up making others feel of less worth, or like they have to compete with the ENFP in order to have their own Meaning and significance.

The Weapons Specialist
Situational Value Specialization
Protective Use of Theoretical Individuals
The ISTP Weapons Specialist is the master of mastery; the specialist of specialism. Their focus is centered on getting the most out of the Situation at hand, focusing on their hard-earned skills, achieved through jumping full-throttle into falling in love with something and immersing themselves totally and completely in it, using their bodies and minds together as a precision instrument at whatever speaks to them. They love to push themselves to the limits of what’s possible in a Situation, just to explore what can be done in a given moment. But with both their ST and IP focusing on getting the most use out of their past experiences, and because the way in which they used their past Situations is so important to them, the Weapons Specialist needs to beware claiming that they’ve experienced every possible type of experience. With their final cognition step being principles, the ISTP may have trouble fully realizing how universal the universe really is. But this is really good news for the Weapons Specialist, as it means there is always a new adventure waiting and new ways to use their very special specialism.

The Alchemist
Situational Potential Specialization
Possible Use of Theoretical Individuals
The INTP Alchemist is all about finding new ways to get the most Potential use out of every moment, finding joy in modes, methods and systems, ideas and possibilities, natural explorers in the realm of what could be. They love to use their minds to explore the world by themselves, using abstract thought to find solutions to problems and to understand the nuances of data and specifics, innovating in order to use each Situation as effectively as possible. But with a love of mental specializing and a fear that they need to be the smartest kid in the class or be rendered worthless, the Alchemist needs to remember that (as this post demonstrates) they don’t have to specialize in everything and aren’t lessened by needing others’ strengths as much as others need them. They especially need to be aware that specific data does not unilaterally apply to every Situation and it’s tempting for an INTP to imply that being good at details means that their worldview is correct, when usually the two are entirely unrelated.

The Explorer
Situational Experience Specialization
Protective Meaning of Theoretical Individuals
The ISFP Explorer explores the Experience of every moment, getting the most meaning out of every exploration, and every moment is a new adventure. Treasuring the little things is the Explorer’s deep love and they have a beautiful understanding of details and their importance. As IP question askers, they’re intent on finding why each moment matters in a wonderfully goofy, immersive way. But since the things they explore are so desperately important to them, they may try and offset the fear of loss by either holding desperately to the things and Experiences they’ve accumulated, or by growing aloof and trying not to care about anything too much. But the Explorer can remember that there will always be more moments and details to Experience and treasure, so they can both feel free to let go of the ones they have, and feel free to really immerse themselves in whatever Experiences may come their way.

The Ranger
Situational Meaning Specialization
Possible Meaning of Theoretical Individuals
The INFP Ranger is the Meaning explorer, a question asker whose aim is to understand the context of each Situation within the whole. Where INFJs love to find how Meaning applies to action, the INFP instead loves to explore the philosophical what-ifs of Meaning, like INTPs do with use, finding new ways that the power of details and delving deep into theory can reflect on the Meaning of the whole. The Ranger needs to remember though, that since they explore Meaning by themselves, focusing on details, and Principles are their last cognition step like the other IPs, they need to remember that meaningful details that apply to one Situation do not a universal principle make. But as the INFP Ranger focuses on the potential Meaning of Situations and turning that into character judgments, both where they excel, they can contribute such a light of understanding to others.
“You Shouldn’t Be Special”
One thing that isn’t unique to any of the types? Feeling like it isn’t okay to specialize in the things that matter most to them. No matter the specialty, no matter the type, we all feel guilt at times about who we are and what we choose to care about. Be it from those who feel guilty themselves about their specialty, or those who are jealous of our strengths, the outside world is forever trying to knock us down and prevent our feeling special and of worth.
But one of the most crucial principles to understand about Type Specializations—whether we’re looking at someone else and wishing we had their strengths, or when someone else jealously looks at us and says, “Well, it’s not fair, you’ve always had it easy. I’d be good at that too if I were your type.”— is that no type has it easy. No type is born with their specialty being easy.
Is it easy for ISFJ Knights to always be there when they’re needed, noble and dedicated? No. Is it easy for the ENFJ Veteran to be so patient and understanding with the members of their group or for the ISTP Weapons Specialist to be so vigilant at the things they love? No. But they care that much. They care about their Scope and Objective enough to overcome obstacles, even when it’s hard, even when it’s thankless and even when they get crap, because it matters that much to them. And *every* type is like that about their specialty.
I’ve been told I come off very self-confident, in person especially, which is a traditionally ENTP trait. That certainly wasn’t something I was born with and it never came easy for me (like laughably so), but, with my cognition and specialty revolving around the person I am and who I wanted to be, it was worth it to me to overcome my fears of coming off awkward or stupid. It took a lot of trial and error and I still get weird looks when I wear stripey knee socks or dance like no one is looking, but I own it because my specialty of being who I want to be is more important to me than never looking stupid.
If you want another type’s specialty, in addition to your own, which you already work hard for, then you have to overcome their obstacles too, be willing to put up with the crap they put up with and have discipline in the areas they have, in order to gain those strengths. If you don’t care enough to put yourself through that, then that’s fine, but don’t pretend that someone else had it made because they were willing to put the time and effort into an area that your heart wasn’t in.
Hopefully you now have a good idea of your own specialization. (If not, we’d be happy to help 😉 )As we understand what we’re best at and what has always mattered the most to us, we can reflect back over our lives and why things mattered to us and understand how to make our lives reflect that passion in the future. We can also see why sometimes things were hard to give up, and how we felt scared or angry when our specialty was in jeopardy.
So, let me fulfill my specialty as an ENTP; let me show you through aLBoP just how much your specialty is needed, just how heroically and greatly you can use it, and just how special you are. The world needs your talents, your strength and your fervor. We need you. Let’s celebrate *you* and show you how to shine as the unique and special person you are.
On the aLBoP Guided Tour? Up next is The Cognition Process in Stick Figures!
I really love this post. It shows so clearly how awesome every type can be and how they are all (like it says at the top) uniquely and equally valuable even though they’re so different. (Also, the stick figures for every type are wonderful and I like that they all have their own font. :))
This has always been my favorite post by far on the website. It’s one that I return to often and love to read because of how concise and clean all the information is, and how easy it ease to use and explain to others. Fantastic job! <3