Hello my neglected, yet not-forgotten loves ❤️. I’m not going to roll around in sackcloth and ashes about how long it’s been, nor am I going to make promises that I might not be able to fulfill. I do however have a thing for you. It’s a post!
Most of you might not know that I started a personal site last year, A Little Bit of Calise (or aLBoCal, because “aLBoC” sounded dumb). As my self-titled aLBoP spinoff, its purpose was never to replace aLBoP, by any means, but to be both a place I could blab about me-related, personal topics, and as an on-ramp to aLBoP, where people can get a taste of what we offer over here without feeling overwhelmed by jargon. The hope is also that new people, who might not be interested in mainstream personality typing might find it, while Googling other topics.
But it’s still aLBoPy writing (because, hello, that’s still what I care about day-to-day, and let’s face it, it’s not like I don’t talk about myself plenty over here 😉).
And almost all the posts up to now (which isn’t many) involve the Four Sides of Calise, which are a silly, ongoing thought experiment, helping me to explore myself. And if that’s not cognition related, I don’t know what is.

The Data geek, the people-loving Obs glitter-pop princess, the Paradoxitype Greek goddess, and the oh-so-edge succubus– QUEEN OF MEGAMIND COMPLEX! 😈 *Ahem*
But really why I’m talking about it now, is because I just posted a post over there called Learn to Fly: My Thoughts on Depression, Hope, and Silliness, through Enjoying Foo Fighters (because apparently I hate writing titles that search engine optimization want anything to do with). But it’s basically a half-step between aLBoP and aLBoCal. It started as a silly post talking about music I was getting rapidly obsessed with, and ended up being a reflection on rising from the ashes of our lives, by looking at how the band Foo Fighters rose from the ashes of Nirvana. There’s bits here and there about cognitive types and how they affected people’s choices, like cognitive cameos, if you will.
But it’s about my exploration of where hope comes from, if silliness is disrespectful when people are hurting, and why fakery hurts people. It’s about people doing people things 🤷. So if that’s what you come here for in the first place, then I think you’ll love aLBoCal, and this post.
…there’s also a lot of cross dressing. Do you have any clue how often the Foo Fighters cross dress? Omigosh it’s so often guys!
So please give it a try. It took a whole lotta love. If you’re an aLBoPer, I think you’ll love it.
<3 Much love,
Here’s a taste of Learn to Fly: My Thoughts on Depression, Hope, and Silliness, through Enjoying Foo Fighters…
When I started writing this post, I was really struggling with why this was worth talking about. You may have clicked on this post because of the serious topics mentioned in the header, but that’s not why I started writing this. Like most things in my life, this little project started as a result of me enjoying people to a silly degree. There’s a lot of silly stuff in this post; there’s stick figures, there’s looking at how the Four Sides of Calise enjoy music (from my angsty gothic succubus side to my lollipop-glitter princess side), there’s a lot of me going googly over how much I love men (in and out of women’s clothing), there’s a lot of 90s/00s nostalgia, and me watching music/concert videos way too closely.
And I started writing all that silly, basically because it wouldn’t leave me alone; my passion rarely will. But I was seriously just screwing around. I pictured the brief stick figure comic at the end of this post and thought I’d just preface it by how much I’ve come to love this music lately. Honestly I was just having fun talking. But as I was trying to quick-finish this post over a weekend (pfffft, when am I going to learn that I suck at brevity?!?) I was just struggling on repeat with why the &@%$= writing this mattered.
Like seriously, why the zombie (we’re making that an expletive now, roll with it) should anyone care that someone named Calise likes certain types of rock music, or gets really excited about the facial expressions someone makes while playing the drums?? And even more than that, why would anyone want to read something blissfully dancing around in silliness while the world just sucks right now?
Most of the people I know are having a “hard year.” I literally cannot enumerate the number of people I care about who have or are currently struggling with heavy bouts of depression or anxiety. And the number of times this year alone I’ve heard phrases akin to “I thought we’d be together forever,” as I’ve seen relationships come to an abrupt and heart-wrenching end. People are in serious stomach-plunging freefall right now.
So who am I to be happy??
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