Androids, computers, robots; call them what you will, they’re all A.I., artificial intelligence. Though the messages their stories tell may vary, throughout the years bots have won our hearts, made us laugh, made us think and freaked the crap out of us. Their quest to be a little more human represents humanity’s quest to be even more than that. This is a salute to both A.I. and humanity in all its varied hues.
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Category: ISTJ (Page 2 of 2)
Who are we deep inside? Well, there are several answers to this question, some that delve far deeper than others. I’m not going to share some of the deeper answers I know, for experience has enhanced my natural talent for individual cynicism. If you’d like to know more about *those* answers, inquire within.
But as far as what each of us has within in regards to our personality types; is all of us what lies on the surface? If you Google your own four letters and see posters with limericks and characters mistyped by stereotype, is that all there is to know about you? Who comes out in the times that you’re angry, sad or with your best friend? Who is there to know that the world doesn’t see?
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Let me introduce to you the most archetypal tale that has been played throughout the ages; a sweeping epic with sixteen protagonists; sixteen larger-than-life heroes that are each unique in purpose, style, thought and action and, like old friends, we would feel incomplete without any one. Each has their own treacherous journey to travail as they endeavor to stay true to themselves and not be overcome by the choices and obstacles that get in their way.
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