Happy Halloween everyone! ? Better late in the month than never, I have a couple treats for you!
The first of which I’m especially excited about and will be ongoing; it’s an aLBoP Glossary, aka aLBoPGloss! So that when you want to read up on any specific tool or concept on aLBoP, you can go read its individualized page for a brief (ish, I mean c’mon, this is still aLBoP we’re talking about 😉 ) summary of it. There will also be related links to other pages, so you can know where to go to learn more about that, or similar topics.
Finding information in the very lengthy posts on aLBoP has still been one of our weaker points, so I hope this will help in a fun and informative way. There’s just a few posts up there so far, but they’re bite-sized enough for me that I hope to have fun posting more, often.
Here’s a link to the Glossary homepage. I may be super proud of learning to make those snazzy “spoiler” drop downs. So far I’ve only posted The Importance of Definitions, Cognition, and The Power of First Steps. That last one is my favorite. I wrote it today in the bathtub. If you or anyone you know wants to understand how cognition and aLBoP’s approach to it can have practical applicability in your life, check out that glossary post.
But I have also been making infographics on the Four Types of Information that I just wasn’t able to write up pages for in time, so those should be coming soon.
I’m considering having aLBoP Patrons vote on which glossary posts you’d like to see sooner. So Patreonees, tell me if you think that’d be fun, and be thinking of glossary pages you’d find useful. They don’t have to be limited to the list already on the aLBoPGloss page.
Which brings me to the other treat. (I’m playing on the whole Halloween “Trick or Treat” thing if that was unclear. Sooooo witty, I know 😉 ) Well, it’s a fairly apologetic treat. Sorry if anyone is allergic to apologies.
But while my aim, starting last month, was 3 wallpapers a month, unsurprisingly that didn’t happen this month. I’m a perfectionist and an idiot. I spent an entire evening on the one wallpaper I made and will share with you in a sec here, and never found time to make two more. So the whole “3 a month” thing might have to be rethought? I don’t know. I’m rolling with it month-to-month and at the moment I’m just glad I made one and I think it’s really pretty.

Here’s the link to the open-to-everyone Patreon post with the download links
Therefore, I’m making it free for all, because colors and I think this quote from Type Specializations is one everyone could use. I hope that’s okay, Patreon ppls. I don’t expect anyone to have a problem with me sharing the Patreon $5-and-up reward with everyone, but technically you have a right to have a problem with it, so thanks for being cool and understanding.
I assume if I’m only able to put out one a month, after this I’ll just give them to the $5-and-up people. But Patreon rewards need a revamp anyway so…
BUT NOT TODAY! For today is Halloween and you have glossary pages to check out!
Thank you for your wonderfulness, my lovelies!
Much love as always,
<3 Calise
OH, ps: I struggled to convert both this month and last months’ wallpapers for phone, because I couldn’t find a clear answer online about phone wallpaper dimensions. If you guys want to tell me the sizes of other wallpapers you use, or sizes you’d like, etc., let me know and I’ll be happy to convert them for phone!
Oh, yeah – I think having a glossary should be really helpful! Cracking that open on another tab will really help save so much time and confusion!
I really like the glossary idea, especially the inclusion of the links to related pages. It seems like it’ll be super useful in helping to organize and connect things, and show people pages they might not know existed. And I love the flow of colors in the wallpaper 🙂
Ooh. The wallpaper is so pretty. The colors are very nice. And yay aLBoPGloss ? I read through the posts at 5am, so I need to read them again when I’m actually awake. The little drop down menus are so cool and fun ?