{Insert fanfare here!} You asked and we’re delivering! The new and improved, customized *just for you*, aLBoP Personalized Typing System!!! Now *you* can get personally typed according to the typing principles found throughout A Little Bit of Personality, and get personalized advice on how to apply things like Paradoxitype, Cognition Steps, Type Specializations, and how to be a Hero in your own unique way to *you* in your own life, with your own unique talents and struggles. Pretty cool, no?
{Update: Due to lots of wonderful demand, the aLBoP Personalized Typing system has been updated! Find all the details here! Now, instead of Personalized Personality PDFs, we have made the universally applicable Cognitive Orientation Guidebooks (COGs), and then if you want to chat about how your cognition applies to you personally, you can chat on the forums So feel free to read ahead and especially to read our personalized help for Mr. Darcy, but just be aware of the new system. :)}
In addition to a personalized pdf from me and my INFJ (he’s going to be helping with emails a lot so that I don’t freak out, and so that I can keep writing posts! Yay!!), describing how and why we typed you the way we did, tips on understanding your cognition and why being your type is so awesome, you’re also going to receive digital downloads of desktop wallpapers and an embeddable code that says proudly how you were typed by aLBoP, so you can share the coolness with your friends 😀
Here’s what you get:
– An entirely personalized pdf typing *you!* (Read on to see a fun example!)
— Why I typed you the way I did, with examples from your email.
— An in-depth look at *your* cognition process.
— Why it’s so awesome that you’re the type you are.
— Personalized tips on how to work with the natural strengths and weaknesses of your type and how to shine as a hero in *your* own way 😀
– 3 aLBoP Wallpapers for your desktop!
— Your Stick Person Type Hero, from the “Type Specializations: What Makes *My* Type Special?” post
— Your type’s Cognition Process in stick people, from “The Cognition Process in Stick Figures” post
— Your type’s “Keep Calm and…” motto, from the “Keep Calm and Be Yourself” t-shirt series
— All resized to 2 standard desktop sizes 🙂
– Embeddable html badge
— Displays your type hero proudly for anywhere you want to embed html
— Grants three wishes* (*not a guarantee)
To get *your* very own aLBoP Personalized Personality PDF and digital goodies, you need to follow these six steps:
1. Go to the handy dandy aLBoP store and choose one of the three price points. Why three price points? We started out asking $5 for Personalized Typings, which really was insane for the amount of work and love we put into these 🙂 So we changed the base price to $25, but we still don’t want you to miss out if you really can’t afford that. The $5 is the “I Can’t Afford It, But You Still Love Me Anyway” price. It includes everything the $25 version includes and we’ll respond to orders in the order received, regardless of price. Less of these will be released at a time, so if you buy one and don’t really need it you’ll be taking it from someone who *does* really need it, and you will immediately be hit by lightning. Well, maybe not, but it’s not cool to do. On top of that, it probably means you’re not a very nice person, which we’ll probably be able to tell from your email and it’s likely we’ll reject even typing you and give you a refund, which I talk about below.
But if you really do need to buy the $5 version, go for it! It’s there for you if you need it! <3!
The $50 is just in case somebody wants to Support aLBoP at the same time as receiving an aLBoP PPP. In addition to what comes in a traditional Personalized Typing package, the $50 Personalized Typing package includes all the benefits that “A Downpour of Love for aLBoP” provides on our Support aLBoP page. That includes a video of my INFJ and me doing something goofy of your choice for the whole world to see!
2. Click “Add to Cart” and go through the purchasing process. It’ll ask you to sign in to PayPal, etc. so the ordering process is entirely secure and you can use a credit card, bank account or whatever method you usually use on PayPal. You should receive a receipt from Storenvy.com assuring you that your order went through. Storenvy lets us know who has ordered and helps us keep track of which orders we haven’t fulfilled yet. We’ll be looking to match up your email (step 3.) with your payment.
*Due to the time-consuming nature of Personalized Typing, we can’t give you a refund unless you request one immediately or if we can’t fulfill your order for some reason. A ton of time and love goes into these, neither of which can really be returned. <3*
Rarely, we might decide to reject typing someone and give them a refund. We don’t do this very often, really only for people who aren’t so nice and wouldn’t appreciate an in-depth PPP anyway, so most of you have nothing to worry about there. See the aLBoP Personalized Typing FAQ for more info.
3. The most important step: Send me an email! Write me an email about *you*, just talk and be yourself, tell me about the way you think and what’s important to you, etc. No need to talk about anything in particular; just be you! Oh, and send me a picture! I won’t share it with anyone, but we’re getting *really* good at facial typing (which we’ll unveil later this year), and there have been times when seeing a reader’s picture has helped a lot when trying to decide between two types that a person seems close on. And a person’s facial type always makes more sense in retrospect than the type we wondered if they were in the first place! We’ll be able to type you either way, but your picture makes it easier.
Then send it to:
aLittleBitofPersonality (at) gmail (dot) com
Or just click the Gmail button in the sidebar. This is how I type you 🙂 It doesn’t have to be too personal, but of course it’ll remain confidential between my INFJ and me, and it can be as long or short as you want. Just remember that this is how I’ll give you personalized typing advice for your life as well, and I can only work with what you give me… although I have typed people from very short emails before 😉
4. Wait. Sorry, I know this step kinda sucks, but the whole point of the new email system is so that we can get back to everyone sooner, without lowering the quality of the Personalized Typing they receive. You can expect your aLBoP Personalized Personality PDF in 1-2 weeks, with us answering on a first-come, first-serve basis. If you haven’t received your aLBoP PPP within 30 days, we’ll refund your money and send you your typing for free. In the meantime, this is an ideal chance to get caught up on your aLBoP reading!
5. Receive personalized typing! 😀 Delivered right to your email inbox in loving, digital, incorporeal arms, you will receive your aLBoP Personalized Personality PDF, as well as your desktop backgrounds and embeddable badge, for your enjoyment and pleasure! (Assuming your email provider isn’t a spam witch-hunter 😛 I *promise* I’ll never send you spam!! If the email gets marked as spam or accidentally deleted, I’ll be happy to resend it.) Also, if you could send me a brief reply saying you got it, it’d be much appreciated. I get all sweaty palmed and worried if I don’t hear that you received it 😉
6. Cheer! Be happy 😀 Now you’ve been officially typed by aLittleBitofPersonality.com and now you can go forward and shine as the hero you were always meant to be, with all these tools of personality in your pocket for your adventure! And if you think an aLBoP Personalized Personality PDF could help a friend, please send them our way!
Now, if you’ve *already* emailed me before this was post was posted, you’re not under any obligation to pay even $5. Please accept my apologies if you’ve been waiting a long time for a response! I know some of you emailed *months* ago and I certainly haven’t forgotten about you! The whole point of this new system is so that I can get back to everyone in a reasonable amount of time, without sacrificing any of the attention and detail I want to pay to each of your emails. They’ve really meant the world to me, and this blog which means so much to me, and yet which I never really expected to be more than a goofy, interesting side project and a playground for my brain, has turned into something so much bigger than me and more profound than I ever could have anticipated. Thank you all!!!
Now, for the fun part.
I wanted to come up with an example personalized pdf as both an example of what you can expect if you request a personalized typing from aLBoP, and as a template so that when we’re responding to your emails we can have a basic outline of topics (cognition process, letter definitions, type angst, etc.) to adapt to you in your email. I was going to make up some imaginary character, ie. Jane Doe or something, but my INFJ and I were talking about it and somehow stumbled onto the idea that an already established fictional character would be way more fun 😀 I wanted someone that most people would know (and honestly someone in public domain).
We talked about Elizabeth Bennett, but I figured she might be confusing since different retellings of the story show her as different personality types (such as Lizzie Bennett Diaries’ ENTJ version, whom I love, but is not the same personality as the novel). Instead, we thought, who would be better than the male deuteragonist of the archetypal chick-lit novel, Mr. Darcy?
I grew up loving BBC’s Pride and Prejudice, and Mr. Darcy especially, uber dynamic character that he is.
And not just because Colin Firth looks really good all sweaty and wet, though of course that helps 😉 But I hadn’t really delved into the novel until this week. While reading it, I was surprised at both how accurate the miniseries is to the feeling and situations of the novel, as well as how many new-to-me and hilarious parts of the book I’d never even heard before. I had so much fun imagining Mr. Darcy stumbling onto my blog and writing me an email to ask about his personality type (probably throwing out a few possibilities as most people do), and telling me about his life in general and the way he thinks about things. The following email (which I would send to him in pdf form) is my “response” and all the quotes from “his email” are direct quotes from the novel. I’m kinda shocked my own self how well it came together and how much the things Darcy says in the book apply to typing principles. If you guys like this kind of thing, I may have to write “emails” to other characters, whether new or archaic. 😀 I swear, every time I watch Bones I have a headful to say to Dr. Temperance Brennan about how to be a healthy INTP…
Here’s the “email.” 🙂 The image version is linked down below, for Pinning, Tumbling, etc.

Can I just point out how much smoother the next while of Darcy’s life would have gone if he *had* emailed me and applied the things I said? Oh well, it all turned out in the end 😀
I was wondering how to wrap this up and my INFJ said to say, “I love you!!!” in falsetto, so that’s what I’m going to do… er… except the falsetto. (He tells me my falsetto comes naturally :P!) But *thank you* guys! It’s been an honor and a privilege this first (almost) year of aLBoP and I really do <3 you guys so much! Your emails, your comments, your repins and your “Likes” have buoyed me up immeasurably.
In return, you can look forward to some (imho) awesome content this coming year! From the next few posts being things like INTP, The Alchemist and Type Group Dynamics: The Avengers (with an *ahmazing* gif my INFJ just made and the first aLBoP video), to new long-term projects in coming months, including an entire series on *Facial Typing* 😀 this year should be a good one at aLBoP!
So get your Personalized Personality Typing, and suit up. We’re in for a pretty big adventure.
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