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aLBoP Personality Tips #3-5: Introverts


 Introverts, whether Introverted Perceivers or Introverted Judgers, naturally excel at the parts of the cognitive process that require inside-their-heads, solitary thought.  Whether this is IP’s understanding and coming to Conclusions about Data and situational details based on either thoughts or feelings inside their heads (Ti or Fi), or IJ’s understanding of how Principles apply to the world at large based on either applying their intuition or their senses inside their heads (Ni or Si), introverts are quite comfortable working things out within their own minds.

Because Introverts prioritize those inside-their-head steps, they naturally feel confident making decisions without external input.  Even an Introvert struggling with self-confidence issues is unlikely to feel like they need others to help make their decisions.  Even when an Introvert regrets or feels inadequate in their decisions, they’ll still feel like they alone have to make the decision.

Because Introverts specialize at being inside their own heads, sometimes they can get a little *too* inside their own heads and fail to take outside forces, especially the actions of others, into account in their planning.  This in no way has to be a self-centered gesture and it doesn’t mean Introverts don’t consider the *effect* their plans will have on others.  IF’s especially think in terms of what effect their actions will have on others.  But a well-intentioned Introvert may fail to fully understand the ramifications of others’ actions in affecting their plans.
For more information on what all the letters mean, click here, and stay tuned for more aLBoP (a Little Bit of Personality) Personality Tips 😀

aLBoP Personality Tip #2


One of the most common misconceptions I’ve come across in personality typing is the idea that Jungian/MBTI introverts and extraverts are the same thing as social introverts and extraverts.  MBTI is about the way your brain works, not about your social habits, which are likely to change throughout your life depending on a number of factors.

If you come across a personality test that bases its conclusion of you on questions like “Do you like to be at the center of a room at a party or do you prefer the sidelines?”, “Would you prefer activities like shopping and partying, or do you prefer a quiet book?”, or “Do you learn better in a group or on your own?”, chances are the test is unreliable.  Those answers would not only be affected by cultural and environmental factors, but also overlap N/S, T/F and J/P in a variety of ways.  If anything, my INFJ can study better in a crowded room than I (as an extravert) can because I feel the need to take in everything around me, and he also tends to be less nervous in a group than I am because he’s more confident making decisions without the feedback of other people.

For more information on what all the letters mean, click here, and stay tuned for more aLBoP (a Little Bit of Personality) Personality Tips 😀

aLBoP Personality Tip #1

I gag a little every time I search for MBTI on Google, Pinterest or Twitter and see the “Fact” declarations about different personality types.  They’re always based on vastly oversimplified versions of each type and always end up super arrogant about the whole thing.  Arrogance is annoying, but it’s the stereotyping of each type that really gets to me.  The “Fact” statements always seem to include statements that put particular types down as overemotional little girls and say that it’s okay for the other types to be complete jerks.  As I said here, that’s not psychology or sociology; that’s just crap.  So I thought I’d take a crack at the format and see if I can bring a bit of fresh air to the topic.

Remember, in the words of the sage Levar Burton, you don’t have to take my word for it.  Go with what makes sense.  Learn these things yourself and bring your own insights to the table.  No one can say they have the last word on personality typing because you can’t patent the human brain and there is always more to discover.

Stay tuned for more aLBoP (a Little Bit of Personality) Personality Tips 😀

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