Hey look, I made some wallpapers! (Finally…) And one of them is available to anyone, even those who aren’t Patrons! I’m going to be making three a month to try and catch up on all the many months missed, and each month I’ll make one of them free to everyone.
Here’s a preview of September’s free wallpaper! This one was an idea from the amazing Mariana, who said basically “There’s one pic of Gwen and Phil looking bad a**.” so I added a couple of modifications to the original picture, and here they are!
I would like to imagine this is aLBoP’s tagline: Making definitions look good. Although I’m pretty sure Gwen and Phil are cooler than me. I’m kind of okay with this.
Get the full-size versions here, in two sizes, again totally free and you don’t have to sign in or anything.
For our $5+ patrons, there are two more! Quotes from The Four Types of Love and The People of Stranger Things. Here are the watermarked versions:

The badly repeated aLBoP logo won’t be on the actual ones lol, I just wanted you guys to be able to see the overall preview. Here’s the $5+ patron-only link for those. So fancy!
I’m hoping in the months coming to get all our rewards in shape and update them to what you guys want, so if you were considering becoming an aLBoP supporter, it’s a good time.
Let me know what wallpapers you guys want next! Quotes, stick figures, weird pics of me and Justin, whatever you guys want! As always, if I use your idea, you’ll receive that wallpaper, even if you’re not Patreon-ing atm, so let me know what you’d like to have as your background!
Oh and let me know if you guys would use phone backgrounds! I was going to do it for this month, but they’re a little more effort, sizing-wise and everything, so I didn’t want to bother unless I know you guys actually want them.
And as another Patreon housekeeping thing, on our next Thank You vid, I’m planning on adding the list of patrons to the end of the video, but if you’re a patron and you don’t want your first name listed, let me know privately the pseudonym you want, or if you just don’t want to be listed at all. I want to give due credit, but not if you don’t want me to! 😉
Okay, I think that’s it for now. If you use a wallpaper, send me screenies! I’d love to see!! Thank you for all you guys do, especially if you are or have Patreon-ed, but even if you haven’t or can’t. Support in general means the world to us and I never know what I’d do without you guys.
Much love,
<3 Calise
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